The Ultimate Full Spectrum Audio Sweetener
アルティメット フルスペクトル オーディオ スウィートナー
そのカラーパレットでプロサウンディング レコードまで一直線。
このフルスペクトル エンハンサーがパンチ、厚み、深み、温かみ、エッジとグリットを全てのトラックに与えます。

The Ultimate Full Spectrum Enhancer
アルティメット フルスペクトル エンハンサー
4フェーダー, 8カラー
Select a color. Push a fader.


ユニーク ジョグウィール コントロール

リニアフェーズ フィルター

パーフェクトの実感を得るためにエンハンサー Listen for yourself
Magazine reviews

Sugar never tasted so good… This is a highly usable, enjoyable plugin and a no-brainer if you don’t have a sonic sweetener in your plugin folder.

The Air band, in particular, is pure magic in its lifting effect, and it’s always worth trying both modes for every band, as the differences between them can be profound.

Sugar is an appropriately ‘suck it and see’ sort of a processor. And, for the most part, it’s on that delivers gratifying results very quickly.

Sugar definitely sweetens tracks. Whether you are a songwriter just trying to quickly enhance tracks or a seasoned audio, tired of placing a few plugins, Sugar does the trick brilliantly.

I’ve been looking for the right processor for this for a long time, ad I think I’ve found it with Sugar.
The Secret Weapon to Pro-Sounding Records
System requirements
Minimum requirements
macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) minimum, Apple Silicon compatible (M1+)

Compatible with all DAWs
Compatible with all DAWs

Pro Tools


Logic Pro X


Studio One
