SPRING SALE 50 % OFF Get Sugar for $75

The Ultimate Full Spectrum Audio Sweetener
アルティメット フルスペクトル オーディオ スウィートナー

世界指折りのオーディオエンジニアたちによる最も便利で重要不可欠なハーモニック エンハンスメントの技術が詰まったセントラ ライズ プラグイン。

そのカラーパレットでプロサウンディング レコードまで一直線。

このフルスペクトル エンハンサーがパンチ、厚み、深み、温かみ、エッジとグリットを全てのトラックに与えます。

The Ultimate Full Spectrum Enhancer
アルティメット フルスペクトル エンハンサー

4フェーダー, 8カラー

第一線で活躍しているプロたちも皆日々、よりサウンドにパンチを、より分厚く、もっと暖かく、もっと鮮明に、そしてエッジを効かせて、など試行錯誤し磨きをかけています。 Sugarは、よりはやくエンジニアの求めるサウンドにたどり着けるツールです。
Select a color. Push a fader.



ユニーク ジョグウィール コントロール

Sugarの4バンドがmono、stereo、M/S modeに同時進行であなたのサウンドを処理し力を発揮。自分のサウンドに適したバランスになったら、あとは直感を信じてjog wheelを使い微調整。Sugar増し、少なめ、はたまた増し増しか。

リニアフェーズ フィルター


パーフェクトの実感を得るためにエンハンサー Listen for yourself

    ベースはどう全体のMixに融けこますか悩む楽器。しばしば音が大きくなり過ぎたりソフト過ぎたりとうまく表現できず行き詰まってしまうこともあるんじゃないでしょうか。 SugarのLOW、MIDセクションはこの問題を解消することを1つの目的としてデザインされています。ドライブ・サーキットも倍音をより多く含ませベースの音の通り抜けをよくするオプションの一つです。この例で瞬時に違いがわかるはず!低音域のそこにクッションが敷かれサチュレーションによって倍音がよりしっかり出ていることでしょう。また、いい意味でトラックに唸りを立たせてベースのボリュームを上げることなく表面まで抜ける仕上がりになります。

    Magazine reviews

    Music Radar
    Rating: 4/5

    Sugar never tasted so good… This is a highly usable, enjoyable plugin and a no-brainer if you don’t have a sonic sweetener in your plugin folder.

    Music Tech
    Rating: 9/10

    The Air band, in particular, is pure magic in its lifting effect, and it’s always worth trying both modes for every band, as the differences between them can be profound.

    Sound on Sound

    Sugar is an appropriately ‘suck it and see’ sort of a processor. And, for the most part, it’s on that delivers gratifying results very quickly.

    Everything recording
    Rating: 4.5/5

    Sugar definitely sweetens tracks. Whether you are a songwriter just trying to quickly enhance tracks or a seasoned audio, tired of placing a few plugins, Sugar does the trick brilliantly.

    Bobby Owinski

    I’ve been looking for the right processor for this for a long time, ad I think I’ve found it with Sugar.

    The Secret Weapon to Pro-Sounding Records



    System requirements

    Minimum requirements

    Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64 X2 or newer
    4 GB or more
    Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 (64-bit versions only)
    macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) minimum, Apple Silicon compatible (M1+)
    iLok authorization
    iLok Machine License

    Compatible with all DAWs

    Compatible with all DAWs

    Pro Tools

    Pro Tools




    Logic Pro X



    Studio One

    Studio One

    Studio One




    User Manual

    User Manual

    Press Kit

    Press Kit



    Sugar - バージョン 2.0.3 2024-08-12
    バージョン 2.0.3 2024-08-12
    - Fix scale factor issue on Windows - Fix Protools plugin automation dialog not opening when clicking on sliders
    バージョン 2.0.2 2024-07-17
    Ilok Host Machine Activation Link bypass parameter to DAW
    バージョン 2.0.1 2023-03-22
    - Fixed volume jump when switching between Ying and Yang - Fixed settings menu problem on MacOS
    バージョン 2.0.0 2023-03-08
    - Major CPU load optimisation. (30%!) - GUI full responsiveness - New “Oversampling” feature - ProTools instantiation lag fix - Fix latency report when in bypass mode - New hints system in footer - New “About” popup - Apple Silicon support for AAX - Changed plugin name to include the brand name - Many bug fixes and overall stability improvements
    バージョン 1.2.4 2022-05-19
    - M1 compatibility for Mac - performance and stability improvement
    バージョン 1.2.3 2022-03-11
    Stability and performance improvements
    バージョン 1.2.2 2021-11-26
    - Update PACE protection - Update 6.0.7 - Working on Monterrey. Not for Pro Tools, waiting for Avid's compatibility release.
    バージョン 1.2.1 2019-05-17
    - Hot Fix: Cubase bypass button is fixed
    バージョン 1.2.0 2019-05-16
    - Addes Presets from Vance Powell, Darrell Thorp, John Paterno and Ryan West - Wavelab latency reporting is now fixed, - Pro Tools show automation shortcut on Mac now works as expected,
    バージョン 1.1.5 2019-04-29
    - Fixed VST3 loading crashes on some Cubase versions - Fixed phase issues on air band on some Cubase versions
    バージョン 1.1.2 2019-04-10
    - Significant CPU load saving (up to 20%). The plug-ins pure DSP code has been optimized in all the Sugar modules (compressors, harmonic enhancers etc..). Drawing of the In / Out gauges and the histogram has also been optimized. Most significant savings will occur when some of the plug-in modules are turned off (ex: one of the 4 bands at 0, saturations, filters) as the DSP those modules will be completely bypassed and only re-activated when need be. - Linear Filters latency improvement. We've lowered the latency induced by those high quality filters as low as possible (at least as good as industry standards) in order to allow for smooth automations and acceptable GUI / Sound correlation when those knobs are tweaked. - Level Management bug fix. Closing the GUI would switch off the LVL MGMT if it was on. It is now fixed.
    バージョン 1.1.0 2019-04-03
    - Significant CPU load saving (up to 20%). The plug-ins pure DSP code has been optimized in all the Sugar modules (compressors, harmonic enhancers etc..). Drawing of the In / Out gauges and the histogram has also been optimized. Most significant savings will occur when some of the plug-in modules are turned off (ex: one of the 4 bands at 0, saturations, filters) as the DSP those modules will be completely bypassed and only re-activated when need be. - Linear Filters latency improvement. We've lowered the latency induced by those high quality filters as low as possible (at least as good as industry standards) in order to allow for smooth automations and acceptable GUI / Sound correlation when those knobs are tweaked. - Level Management bug fix. Closing the GUI would switch off the LVL MGMT if it was on. It is now fixed.
    バージョン 1.0.0 2019-02-20
    First stable release.
    バージョン 0.9.0 2019-01-09
    バージョン 0.8.1 2018-12-19