SPRING SALE 50 % OFF Get Rockruepel COMP.TWO for $50

Modern tube compressor

Vari-MU = Vari-Glue
The COMP.TWO plugin is a faithful emulation of the German-built hardware compressor by Rockruepel (Rock-bully in English). It is an all-tube vari-mu design, meaning there are no transistor stages in the circuit. Ideal for adding glue to your mix.
1 Input
Input gain applied before compression on channel 1.
2 Output
Output gain applied after compression and before Mix (dry/wet) on channel 1.
3 Mix
Mix between dry and wet parts of the signal on channel 1.
4 Threshold
Threshold value setting at which volume signal starts to be reduced on channel 1.
5 Attack
Controls if the compression happens fast or slowly when the signal hits above the threshold on channel 1.
6 Release
Controls if the compression stops fast or slowly when the signal hits under the threshold on channel 1.
7 Sidechain HP
Add a High Pass filter on Sidechain input signal on channel 1.
8 Amp Only
Activates the compression or uses the plugin in an amp only mode.
9 Transformers
Simulates analogic transformers from Rockruepel original hardware or lets you have a clean signal.
10 Stereo Mode
Selects which part of the signal will be processed per channel: Stereo is a link mode between left and right. Dual Mono processes Left (ch. 1) and Right (ch. 2). Mid/Side processes Mid (ch. 1), and Side (ch. 2).
11 Visualizer
An optional visualizer allows to display input and output signals interacting with the compressing reduction on a time scale.
12 Console
Displays the Console, to take control of any COMP.TWO instance.

The Rockruepel History


The Rockruepel History

Oliver Gregor, soldering iron in hand, has been building all sorts of machines since kindergarten. It is during his tenure as a tech at Skyline Studios in Düsseldorf that his love for music and electrical engineering merged into a relentless quest for creating the best audio equipment.

Amp only & transformers


Amp only & transformers

The appeal of a compressor is as much the inherent sound of the unit as its ability to compress material. Using the same type of output tubes as the old Altec and RS124 compressors and with beautifully sounding Sowter transformers in the output stage, the COMP.TWO is also a great vibe box, with or without compression.




A compressor is only as useful as its side chain is smart and flexible. Through years of refinement Oliver made sure that COMP.TWO has none of the limitations of traditional monolithic vari-mu circuits and can be as clean or as dirty as you need, as fast as an 1176 or as slow as a Fairchild, all with the texture and tone of a classic tube compressor.

Modern controls


Modern controls

The team at PROCESS.AUDIO captured and recreated every nuance of the hardware and added its signature set of controls, like the Console Remote which lets you control all instances of the COMP.TWO plugin from a central interface, MS capabilities, high-pass filter on a sidechain, DRY/WET control, and of course, lots of presets designed by world-class producers and mixers.




Compression can be tricky to perceive, so PROCESS.AUDIO created a visually pleasing and easily readable gain reduction visualizer to aid in precise gain matching and provide a true understanding of the impact of the settings on the program material. That's in addition to faithfully recreating the two gorgeous VU meters of the hardware units.

100+ Professional Presets
Presets made for drums, guitar, synth, bass, and even full mixes.
Get that perfect sound instantly.

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    ベースはどう全体のMixに融けこますか悩む楽器。しばしば音が大きくなり過ぎたりソフト過ぎたりとうまく表現できず行き詰まってしまうこともあるんじゃないでしょうか。 SugarのLOW、MIDセクションはこの問題を解消することを1つの目的としてデザインされています。ドライブ・サーキットも倍音をより多く含ませベースの音の通り抜けをよくするオプションの一つです。この例で瞬時に違いがわかるはず!低音域のそこにクッションが敷かれサチュレーションによって倍音がよりしっかり出ていることでしょう。また、いい意味でトラックに唸りを立たせてベースのボリュームを上げることなく表面まで抜ける仕上がりになります。


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    or learn how to use COMP.TWO in our tutorials.
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    Rockruepel plugin interface Try for free
    Rockruepel plugin interface

    Rockruepel key features

    • Hardware emulation: Vari-mu compression emulated from the original unit
    • Amp only mode: Bypass the compression circuit and only hear the tubes and transformers vides
    • Clean Amp: Bypass the hardware transformers and have a more clean signal
    • Single or dual mono detection signal depending on the chosen mode
    • Mid/Side processing
    • Separated Dry/Wet knobs for both channels
    • In/Out link to keep the feeling of a constant volume
    • Remotre control: Remote console to see and control all your COMP.TWO instances
    • Visualizer: Visualizer section to monitor levels and compression amount
    • Presets: 80+ factory presets
    • Oversampling: Oversampling option from None to x16

    System requirements

    Minimum requirements

    Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon 64 X2 or newer
    4 GB or more
    Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 (64-bit versions only)
    macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) minimum, Apple Silicon compatible (M1+)
    iLok authorization
    iLok Machine License

    Compatible with all DAWs

    Compatible with all DAWs

    Pro Tools

    Pro Tools




    Logic Pro X



    Studio One

    Studio One

    Studio One




    User Manual

    User Manual

    Press Kit

    Press Kit



    Rockruepel COMP.TWO - バージョン 1.0.2 2024-08-12
    バージョン 1.0.2 2024-08-12
    - Fix scale factor issue on Windows - Fix Protools plugin automation dialog not opening when clicking on sliders
    バージョン 1.0.1 2024-07-17
    Ilok Host Machine Activation
    バージョン 1.0.0 2023-06-26
    - Release Version 1
    バージョン 0.3.0 2023-06-20
    - New Presets - Fixed settings crash on Pro Tools - Changed LED to display Saturation feeling - OpenGL optims - Oversampling default settings - Freetype optims - Gain Staging DSP update - Bypass sync with DAW (Pro Tools, Cubase) - Adding third VU background - Removed custom Transfo 2 - Listen Left and Right - Meters option pre/post Input/Output - New brighter exports
    バージョン 0.2.0 2023-05-12
    - DSP: - Made the threshold start higher (so a full mix is not compressed when threshold is all the way up) - Made dry signal independent from the input gain - Fixed a dip in volume when switching between Amp-only and compressor modes - Removed an audio click when hitting the “listen to sidechain” button - Controls: - Added a L/R link button for Dual Mono and Mid/Side mode (On by default) - Fixed sliders mouse wheel sensitivity - Clicking on 3-values switches now changes their value - Linked In/out link-buttons for both channels - Prevented keyboard focus on the plugin to avoid conflicts with the DAW - Added solo buttons for Mid/Side - Changed stereo-mode slider rotating direction - Disabled Threshold, Attack and Release sliders in Amp-only mode - UI: - Color and lighting improvements - Added an alternate Rockruepel Logo for VU meter (option saved and shared by all instances) - Smoother Histogram - Bigger Footer - Changed font - Added a FPS setting - Fixed resizing behaviour - Used track colours in Remote panel when possible - Fixed Scale in Visualizer - Fixed threshold line syncing on histogram in stereo mode - Others: - Removed Multi-mono AAX - Fixed ground meter initialization when copying instance in Pro Tools - Renamed “Remote” into “Console”
    バージョン 0.1.0 2023-04-11
    - first functional Beta version