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Pro Tools - my plug-ins aren't showing up


PROCESS.AUDIO plug-ins are compatible with Pro Tools 11 and above. (Pro Tools 10 and under are not supported)

PROCESS.AUDIO plug-ins are 64-bit AAX only. Unfortunately, Pro Tools 10 only runs in 32-bit mode due to hardware (TDM) compatibility. If you really really really want to use your PROCESS.AUDIO plug-ins in a Pro Tools environment, you are going to have to upgrade to Pro Tools 11 minimum. :-(


Make sure your plug-ins are installed in the correct AAX folder location:

Windows: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins

Mac: /Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-Ins  (AAX)


Pro Tools should start by scanning and finding your plug-ins.